Dedicated to seeds development, production and marketing, including drought-tolerant seeds

Dedicated to seeds development, production and marketing, including drought-tolerant seeds

Dedicated to seeds development, production and marketing, including drought-tolerant seeds

Dedicated to seeds development, production and marketing, including drought-tolerant seeds

Dedicated to seeds development, production and marketing, including drought-tolerant seeds

Dedicated to seeds development, production and marketing, including drought-tolerant seeds

Dedicated to seeds development, production and marketing, including drought-tolerant seeds

Peal Agro is dedicated to seeds development, production and marketing, including drought-tolerant maize hybrids. 

Our Seeds


PEAL AGRO managed to get two drought tolerant hybrid maize varieties released (KISHINDO PLH458 and SWARA PLH457) in Kenya. These varieties are early maturing three-way crosses.  KISHINDO is a mid-altitude variety with 100 days to maturity and SWARA is a low altitude variety of 90 days maturity time.


Peal Agro has also entered into a MoU with KALRO to multiply and market two of their newly released soybean seed varieties namely, Gazelle and BP SB 19. Peal Agro acquired 100kgs of Gazelle and 40kgs of BP SB 19 pre-basic seed.


Peal Agro future plans include expansion on the line of oil seeds, Cereals, specific vegetable varieties, flower cuttings and tissue culture. In line with this the company intends to set up high technology plant laboratory for seed research and development.

Why Peal

Peal Agro is a brainchild of Peter Mutisya, an astute agronomist with an experience both in seed and agrochemicals business for over 25 years in East Africa. Peter has put together a production team picked from the former Kibwezi Irrigation Project which was run by Israel experts and backed up by the University of Nairobi. Peter has also picked well experienced marketers with a background from three marketing blocks the company has divided the country into.

Our Work


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